Friday, March 11, 2011


I'm so sad for Japan right now. I served in Hiroshima, so my mission/friends/Japanese family were safe from this devastation, and the continual effects of the earthquake/tsunami. From my friend Sammy, who lives in Okayama
    • Sammy Sadamitsu Thank you, Mama WE're OK. It happened on the otherside of Japan; far away. However, I'm unhappy about it since SO MANY people are hurt. It's even BIGGER the one I experienced. THANK YOU for praying. They all need that!!! Thank you, again.
      2 hours ago ·
Haha, he called me Mama. I was concerned!

In 2002 I went with my brothers Brian and Garrett to Japan to visit my older sister, Alicia. Alicia taught English in Japan for a year. She taught in Iwate. It's in the Sendai area. Her Japanese friends and Japanese family were not so lucky.

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