It's already the middle of November! Thanksgiving is NEXT week!! I love, love this time of year.
We have a "thankful tree". I try to remember to ask Seth & Scarlett something that "made them happy today" or what they are "grateful" for. We write them all on one paper in the shape of a leaf, and hopefully by next Thursday we'll have a tree full of cute leaves and list of blessings we have. I think it was November 4th... Scarlett said "Sugar bugs make me happy!" Uh. . . She really wants us to know how much she hates brushing her teeth.
I don't decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving, pretty much because it is socially unacceptable. I think focusing on what we're grateful as we celebrate Thanksgiving is a good way to celebrate the life of our Savior. It is because of him, through him, that we have all of the blessings I'm grateful for. So... I'm sorry to say, I'm so glad Thanksgiving seems to fall quite early this year. It means Christmas decorations can be up for a whole month and some!
I cannot wait to decorate for Christmas. We have two big bins full of decor. I'm sure Scarlett will be a great help this year, just like she was last year.
In other news... Seth and I spoke in church last Sunday. My topic was "gratitude", Seth spoke about "humility". I think we did well, Seth did great! He is a great speaker. He is also in practice, with School going on and he does a lot of training at work. Me... not so much. But it was great! I overall enjoy speaking in Church.
Lincoln turns 5 months tomorrow!! He is such a sweet, sweet boy. A happy boy! I'll have to post more about him after I take his 5 month photos tomorrow.
Seth got a promotion at work! It's exciting!! It is a new position, a "Product Evangelist". He will be more specialized in the products (webanalytics). There are 3 others with his job description, 2 that work with him, and 1 in Cali. Together they are to coordinate between departments. He's very excited about the opportunity, it will bring only bigger and better things down the road for him. I am so proud of him. I married such a bright and smart man. He provides for our family and we have the absolute CUTEST kids ever.
It is time for me to go to bed.
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