Sunday, February 24, 2013

I just think it's too bad...

Last week I was chatting with an lady who has 3 children. 18,12, and 10. Just as she has in the past - our conversation started with the "how are you? I'm fine. Good" ... and proceeds to 10-15 minutes of just talking non stop about herself, family, and life.

Which... cool - I understand sometimes you just got to let it all out and talk about everything that's been going on. I totally get that, and appreciate when someone else lends an ear for me to blab on and on to about life.

However, with this gal it happens pretty much every time I see her. And... I don't exactly lend her an ear - ever - she just sucks me into a trap. Once she starts, I can't leave until she's finished. Which really wears quickly on my patience. So! what I wanted to post about is.

This last week she was going on and on about how her 18 year old has just loved high school, he has amazing friends, a 4.0, is the best goalkeeper on the soccer team they've ever had, etc. etc. and he just doesn't know how he'll be able to achieve anything greater than what he has already in high school b/c it's just simply been the most amazing life ever for him.
And then she went on and on about her daughter.

Then she had to say, "But my 10 year old is going to be the black sheep I think. Well, You see... he is adopted. I just have a feeling he is going to be my hard one. He's not of the same "make up" well all are." And she continued to try to explain to me how he just won't be able to measure up to the other two children. 

Immediately I was thinking "Uh.... are you kidding me? Sounds like you are really setting up your 10 year old for failure and to be the black sheep."

There is absolutely no reason, None. that she needed to point out that her son is adopted. That really bothered me, and still does. I feel sad for her son because she clearly, openly set him up to be different, in a negative way, than her other children. Her and I are acquaintances, we work together, there is nothing for her to prove to me or trust her personal feelings like that with me. I can't help but think she would say that to anyone, in any environment. I just think it's unfortunate and hope her son feels just as loved as she loves her own children.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Big things happening!

Maybe someday I'll get back into blogging... But in the meantime...

Seth - not much new... rocking it at his job. So glad he loves it.

Megan - not much new... Loving Lincoln and Stealing kisses from Scarlett.

Scarlett - Has been potty trained for almost a month now! She's doing so awesome.
She loves measuring herself to see how big she is growing.

Lincoln - is mobile, crawling, and such a happy boy. And needs another haircut...

We have the cutest kids.

Today, an offer on a house we put in Saturday was ACCEPTED! AAHhh! We're going to be home owners. I wish I had saved the photos on the listing before they took it down today. We're very excited to have our own place. Our own yard, with a swing set (old) and tree house! We're moving about the second week of March and staying in Orem. I never pictured myself buying a house in Utah, but we are here to stay for a while. It's pretty CrAzY!